Second annual Open Champion award winners honored for work with open education


顺时针方向, 左上:安德鲁·马歇尔, 迷迭香Martinelli和Bryan McGeary, Greater Allegheny; 玛丽墨菲, Abington (with Christina Riehman-Murphy of the OAER工作组); 扎克McLaughlin-Alcock, Abington (with Riehman-Murphy); 米歇尔Kaschak, Lehigh Valley; 阿卜杜拉大官邸, 博克斯. Not pictured: 蕾妮包罗密, 蒙特中音; 金伯利舒尔茨, Brandywine.


宾州大学公园. - 2023年春季学期结束时, six Penn State Commonwealth Campuses named faculty members as Open Champions, recognizing their work with open education in the second year of Penn State’s Open and Affordable Educational Resources (OAER) Champion Awards. 双方的合作 宾州州立大学图书馆 以及整个大学 OAER工作组, OAER冠军奖 从2022年开始作为试点项目 并寻求认可卓越, innovation and impact in open educational practices at Penn State campuses.

The following faculty members were recognized for their work with open education at their campuses:


  • 扎克McLaughlin-Alcock, lecturer in mathematics, for his adoption of OER in MATH 004, 021, 022, 200 and 026. McLaughlin-Alcock uses OER in all of his classes for his course materials and homework system. He also served on a faculty panel to discuss his success using OER in math courses. One student said McLaughlin-Alcock transformed their experience in the math classroom through different learning techniques and OER. His commitment to OER advocacy and the continued integration of these resources into his future classes make him a valued educator and a champion for affordable education.
  • 玛丽墨菲, 生物与科学助理教学教授, 她在《玛雅吧登录首页》中采用了OER, 生物110实验室, 和SC 120N. She has consistently demonstrated her commitment to enriching student experiences through creative activities, 强调公平获取材料的重要性. 她还与她的部门分享了她使用开放式教育资源的经验, 倡导她的同事使用开放式教育资源. 通过分享她的经验和成功, Murphy has inspired others to learn more about OER and adjust their own course materials.


  • 阿卜杜拉大官邸, 玛雅吧登录首页科学与技术特聘教授, 为他的课程创作原创材料, 包括五本带有实验室的互动电子书: 基于问题的数据库方法; 用Python动手数据科学; 面向大数据的数据库; 网页及电子商贸保安; and 网络安全实践. Two of these books were funded by 博克斯 Teaching and Learning with Technology grants and include significant open-source content developed over a decade of work. All of the books can be accessed by any Penn State student, faculty or staff member. These e-books enhance student learning through rich and interactive content, 包括图形演示, 动画, 截屏, 视频教程, 案例研究和互动测验. In 2010, Konak established Collaborative Virtual Computer Laboratory (CVCLAB) to provide students with active learning experiences that involve collaborative, 远程动手实验,无需额外费用.


  • 金伯利舒尔茨, lecturer in mathematics, for transitioning all of her math classes to OERs. Schultz creates no-cost homework and classwork assignments using MyOpenMath. Students are engaged with the material and removing the cost barrier has increased equity and access to the course content. Schultz has been an exceptional advocate for other math faculty at Brandywine to adopt open materials in their courses.


  • 迷迭香Martinelli, 大阿勒格尼大学通讯和商业讲师, for transitioning all of her courses to open and affordable materials. 这样做的时候, 她实现了自己在2018年设定的目标, when she was charged by the campus’ 教师 Senate with establishing a Textbook 可购性 Committee, which continues to advocate for and facilitate the use of OAER materials across all disciplines. 在过去的五年里, Martinelli has authored or adapted several Open Access textbooks on topics where few viable OA options were previously available, including a public relations text that has been adopted at multiple colleges and universities. 为所有学生提供开放获取和负担能力的冠军, Martinelli collaborates with other Penn State faculty to help promote and distribute their own OA materials.


  • 米歇尔Kaschak他是英语副教授 recognized as an Open Champion at 玛雅吧首页登入利哈伊谷分校’s second annual Open and Affordable Showcase event for her work with OER and open pedagogy in her ENGL 202A and ENGL 202C courses. She has worked to make her classes more accessible and equitable through the use of OER, starting a few years ago when the technical writing textbook she used rose in price to over $100, but mainly included information that could be found online for free. She uses OER whenever possible because it means all students can access the material needed to support their learning. 另外, she has developed open pedagogy projects for her courses to help students understand that their writing goes beyond just a grade. 使用这两种 维基百科项目 英语202A和一个技术写作项目 拆解 英文202C, her students were able to write for a general audience and learn the ins and outs of communicating well in a real-world context.


  • 蕾妮包罗密, 物理治疗教学教授, was recognized for her work to write a new online textbook for PT 270, 题为 物理治疗师助理病理生理学. 当博罗梅奥找不到合适的在线教科书时, 她决定通过参加大学的 平价课程转型 程序. Both within and outside her classroom, she serves as an advocate for Open Educational Resources.

欲了解宾州州立大学开放教育的更多玛雅吧登录首页,请访问 oer.事业单位.edu. If you have questions about open education or are a faculty member interested in adopting OER or creating open pedagogy assignments for your courses, 请与OER团队联系以申请一个 服务咨询.